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Jewelry Episodes

March 9, 2023

Ep. 16 - How to Present a Gift You're 99.9% Sure She'll Love

So, what should you do when you've found the perfect gift for someone and the salesperson is assuring you that it's a no-brainer, or "she's gonna love it!" but you still have a little doubt?  Too often, guys ruin the magic moment by talking too...

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Feb. 2, 2023

Ep. 12 - 6 Simple Questions That Make Choosing a Diamond Easy

This is the 2nd part of an interview I did with my friend Adam Fried, a third generation diamond professional who teaches me something every time we talk.   We'll go a little more in depth about how the Cut of a diamond affects its performance,...

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Dec. 22, 2022

Ep. 6 - The Greatest Gift Giving Secret in the World

What do you do when you ask her what she wants for her birthday, anniversary, or the Holidays, and she says, "Nothing."   We've all been there, and it's a tough spot, but there IS an answer, and it's simple. I'll share the greatest and most...

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Dec. 15, 2022

Ep. 5 - The Top 5 Jewelry Gift Guide for Guys

What are the best jewelry gifts to get the person you love, no matter what the occasion? There are some fail safe jewelry gifts that you can literally know next to nothing about, and they'll be a slam dunk.  I narrowed them down to five...

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Dec. 8, 2022

Ep. 4 - One Thing You Should NOT Do When You're Buying Jewelry

Picking the "right" engagement ring or other fine jewelry can be unnerving as hell.  Questions start flooding your head..."what if she doesn't like it?"  "Is it the right color?" "Is it big enough?"  Those kinds of things.   A lot...

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Dec. 1, 2022

Ep. 3 - Wishlist's are Gold, So Don't Screw It Up

In this episode I'll quickly explain what Wish Lists are, and why they're fool proof.  (Unless you forget one simple rule!) If you want to talk with me personally you can email me at . I'll keep it simple so you can get the "right" ring, in...

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