Ep. 85 - Ask Andy: Lab-Grown Diamonds or Natural Diamonds?

In this episode we're going to dip our toes into the realm of lab-grown diamonds. I'll shed a little light on the ever-evolving diamond industry, exploring the distinctions between lab-grown and natural diamonds, their formation processes,...
In this episode we're going to dip our toes into the realm of lab-grown diamonds. I'll shed a little light on the ever-evolving diamond industry, exploring the distinctions between lab-grown and natural diamonds, their formation processes, and the ongoing debate surrounding their place in the fine jewelry world.
Lab-Grown Diamonds: A Historical Perspective
It may come as a surprise, but lab-grown diamonds trace their beginnings to the 1950s when General Electric crafted the first industrial-grade diamond crystals. Technological advancements have propelled the creation of larger, gem-quality lab-grown diamonds, revolutionizing the world of fine jewelry with their remarkable beauty.
Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Actually Diamonds?
I'll answer this hot button question that I get all the time. The fact is, lab grown diamonds have the same crystal structure, hardness, and optical properties of natural diamonds. So what do you think the answer is?
There ARE Differences:
I'll explore the distinct processes of lab grown and natural diamonds formation, trace their origins, and unravel the cost disparities that exist between the two. Gain insights into the rarity, affordability, and sentimental value associated with each type, empowering you to make an enlightened decision aligned with your personal preferences.
The Power of Choice:
The fact is, you DO have a choice, and there's an easy way to make it: trust your gut. Ultimately, the decision between lab-grown and natural diamonds rests with you, ensuring that the symbol of love and commitment you choose carries the significance and impact you want to deliver.
If you want to talk with me personally you can email me at andy@buylikeaguy.com. Or if you'd like help finding a jewelry store closer to home, drop me a line and I'll do my best to put you in touch with some of the best jewelers on earth.
Music credits: Preacher Man by Miles Neilson and The Rusted Hearts, used with permission. A killer band with original songs that get stuck in your head. They're awesome.
Listen To Preacher Man on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/7ImcaJKIk0ZVtPzuUVV4vc?si=80581c74a9be4987
This episode was originally published in June 2023.