Ep. 70 - Ask Andy: What is a "Push Present?" and Why It's a Legendary Gift

A lot of guys have no idea what a “push present” is. I have to confess that until there was a baby in my future, I never heard of it, nor did I know what it was. (And I'm in "the business!") So what is a push present? Is it something...
A lot of guys have no idea what a “push present” is. I have to confess that until there was a baby in my future, I never heard of it, nor did I know what it was. (And I'm in "the business!") So what is a push present? Is it something you should consider when there’s a baby on the way?
First, a push present is a gift that you present to your wife or girlfriend shortly after the baby is born, to celebrate the occasion. The term "push present" originated from the idea that the mother has "pushed" to bring the baby into the world, and the gift is a way to show appreciation for that effort.
On the surface a push present seems like it’s a recognition thing for your wife or girlfriend…I mean it kind of is, giving birth is no small feat, and that’s putting it mildly! (First time dad’s: trust me on this. She deserves a damn crown for the blood, sweat and tears that is part and parcel of having a baby!)
However, I think it’s way more than recognition because as time goes on, this gift you give her when the baby is born, becomes something more…and its meaning changes. The impact of this piece of jewelry and the gesture behind it, stretches way out into the future. That simple gift will become legendary in your family tree.
It is something that can be passed down from one generation to the next, to the next. Imagine the short but true story, "Your daddy gave me this when YOU were born." And then, "My dad gave this to my mom when I was born," and, "My grandfather gave this to my grandmother when my mother or father was born."
A push present is a legacy, even if it doesn't feel that way just yet. Legends aren't born, they're made.
If you want to talk with me personally you can email me at andy@buylikeaguy.com. I'm happy to personally help you find the right jewelry for your special occasion, or put you in touch with a jewelry pro that's closer to home.
Music credits: Preacher Man by Miles Neilson and The Rusted Hearts, used with permission. A killer band with original songs that get stuck in your head. They're awesome.
Listen To Preacher Man on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/7ImcaJKIk0ZVtPzuUVV4vc?si=80581c74a9be4987
Note: This episode was originally published in April, 2023.